Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Winter Updates: Some random races

Plenty of FOGs out at the Celebrate Life Half Marathon in March, as well as the Race Around Briggs (where we did not get a team together as usual...Steve, why can't we ever make that happen?), so I won't go into detail here, except to mention that Pat Lopiano and Steve Schallenkamp represented the group quite well at Briggs.

Trail racing: at the infamous Mudders and Grunters trail run in Westchester, in addition to an outstanding win by SRC store manager and Gunker/FOG Justin Harris, Paul Muessig ran a strong 42:28 for the exacting 5-mile technical course, good for first place in the 50-59 age group. And there was a slew of good performances at the Mt. Penn Mudfest 15K, a perennial favorite of Gunkers and FOGs, which I detailed on the SRC blog.

At the world-renowned Cherry Blossom 10 mile in Washington, DC, C-Boy continued his excellent 2009 with a brilliant 1:00:50, a new PR for the distance, which landed him fifth in the 50-54 age group. Myron Baker ran a strong 1:07:32 for third among 60-64-year-olds.

Winter Updates: MHRRC Races

February and March saw the start of the Mid-Hudson Road Racers 2009 calendar. The Gunkers made a concerted effort to show up in force for the Winter Run 5 mile in February and particularly the Ed Erichson 5- and 10-milers in March. C-Boy again led the way, though he continued a disturbing trend that carried over from last year of losing to women. Women who run really, really fast.

Winter Run 5-mile

2. Chris Peone 30:03 (1st male)
7. Kevin Roach 30:59
10. Mark Mulpeter 31:41
11. Anne Gullickson 32:15 (3rd female)
12. Brian Nagle 32:49
17. Steve Schallenkamp 34:41 (3rd 50-59)

Ed Erichson 5-mile

5. Brian Nagle 32:50
11. Steve Schallenkamp 36:11

Ed Erichson 10-mile

4. Chris Peone 1:03:13 (1st master)
8. Kevin Roach 1:06:59 (3rd master)
9. Mark Mulpeter 1:07:58
11. Anne Gullickson 1:09:52 (3rd female, 1st master)
17. Doug Heller 1:15:49

Full results are available here.

Winter Updates: Viking Run

Now that we've gotten used to nice warm weather, running in shorts, and clear trails up on the mountain, I thought it was just about time to post some results from the winter.

Honestly, I don't know what happened over the last few months. My apologies for not getting any race result updates since basically January. No excuses. But now that the spring season is in full swing, it's time to get this show on the road.

I'll post a few results in semi-chronological order. Fortunately for you I wasn't at any of the races we've missed, so I won't have much to say about them.

I'm reserving this first update post for the Viking Run, since as usual the results were dominated by Gunkers and FOGs, and as usual C-Boy led the way with a fine fifth-place finish.

5. Chris Peone 43:08
8. Gavin Gullickson 44:58
9. Tomi Stern 45:15
13. Rosibel Landau 45:48
14. Fred Stewart 45:58
18. Pat Lopiano 48:06
24. Anne Gullickson 49:17
28. Jason Taylor 50:37
33. Patti Lankhorst 52:01

2. Brian Hickey 40:03
3. Robert Muller 43:35
12. Myron Baker 45:42
23. Mike Halstead 49:08
39. Mary Denito 54:45
59. Doug Freese 61:31

Full results are available here. If I've missed anyone please email me and I'll add you.